Monday, September 1, 2014

"Princess Log" And The Midnight Snuggles

In case you're wondering, "princess log" is the nickname my husband has dubbed to our four year old daughter. And probably rightfully so. Here is the scenario. On any given night between the hours of midnight and 4:00 AM there is a pretty good chance that we will be graced with her presence in our bed. And as you can imagine, the nickname comes from the fact that she "sleeps like a log." All I can say is that she gets it from somewhere, and without a doubt, that would be me. I'm fairly certain that a tornado could be roaring not a mile from our house and there we would be, her and I, arms flung over each other's faces, blissfully enjoying our glorious slumber. According to my husband, these are a couple of very accurate examples as to what we look like during the varying hours of the night.

*Sourced from
Now here is something you might have noticed right away. This article refers to baby sleep positions. This is our four year old daughter that we're talking about. Every parent knows that there is an alarming amount of information on why you should never co-sleep with your baby, their safety of course being the primary reason. But nobody ever talks about the preschooler that frequently shares their sleeping space. If someone would have told me five years ago, before I ever had children, that I would be sharing my bed with my four year old I would have snorted, not me! I will never allow it!
Ha! Haha! Hahaha! Just you wait 26 year old me, you will do all kinds of things you never imagined once faced with the everyday challenges of parenting!
Here's the thing. Of course I realize this may be a problem, and maybe I should try to resolve it, but whenever I question her about it her answer is always the same. "I just like to snuggle with you, Mommy." Oh dear Lord, how am I supposed to say no to that? And you know what? I don't really want to, because here is what I picture in my head.
Fourteen years later... College move-in day (cue daunting music). How did this happen so fast? I will be brave! I will not cry in front of her! But, I will cry the whole way home. And later that night? Maybe I'll crawl into her bed to go to sleep. And you know what I'll be wishing for? One more night with princess log and some midnight snuggles.



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